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Sol Food Tel Aviv Blog

Moran Broza
Apr 20, 20213 min read
Sustainable Kitchen Solutions
Oh my goodness! I just finished my first day cooking with renewable energy. As a chef, climate ambassador, and someone who is...

Shelly Yair
Aug 3, 20204 min read
Health Benefits of Watermelons + Bonus Recipe
You'll lose your rind over these Israeli watermelons and their many health benefits and uses! It’s watermelon season in Israel and we...

Moran Broza
Apr 30, 20201 min read
Why S-O-L?
Over time, I found myself applying these 3 rules to every decision I make, and it has directly empowered me to live a happier life.

Moran Broza
Feb 2, 20201 min read
Food For Positive Thought
Food is a great metaphor for what we choose to spend our time on Earth thinking about. It's every passing moment, every passing thought -...

Moran Broza
Jan 1, 20201 min read
You Are What You Eat
That's right. Watch this: "What you: Ingest is what you DIGEST. What you ABSORB is what you ARE MADE OF" #YouAreWhatYouEat BODY MIND ...

Moran Broza
Oct 2, 20192 min read
"The First Bite Is With The Eyes."
Mmm... I adore this metaphor, and I use it as a positive self-empowerment tool more and more each day. Think about your favorite dish at...
Food for positive thought, one post at a time
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